
About Tony Mulkern

Tony specializes in the development and delivery of leading-edge executive coaching, executive launch and leadership development programs. He is founder and President of Mulkern Associates, a Los Angeles-based consulting services firm. All articles in the Executive Compass are the original work of the author in the by-line, not ghost-written or purchased elsewhere, and copyrighted by Mulkern Associates. Articles by Tony Mulkern are based upon issues his clients have struggled with in the over 25 years he has been an Executive Coach and consultant to upper level management in a wide spectrum of industries, from small start-ups to Fortune 100s, public and private organizations.

Words to Inspire Clients and Teams in this Crisis: A View from the Bridge

By John Frederich, CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®  Editor’s Note: While reflecting upon possible communications for bolstering morale and engagement during the current Covid-19 crisis, I received the following email that a long-term client John Frederich had sent to his team and clients and decided that I could provide no better example to readers of this column. He provided permission to reprint his eloquent message here. John is the senior partner and owner at Frederich Family Wealth

By |April 23rd, 2020|Categories: Leadership|

Avoid Corona Virus Panic

While I write this article regarding the corona virus, the Dow Jones stock index is down nearly 1,000 points.  Clearly, panic is upon us.  If ever there was a time to say, “Calm down,” this is it. We did not panic when 80,000 deaths in the U.S. were attributed to the flu in the 2018-2019 season by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  This was significantly above the usual number of around 50,000 to

By |February 24th, 2020|Categories: Leadership|

How to Be More Successful Than Most Other People Is Not Complicated

By Andrew Neitlich   Editor's Note:  One of the best and most succinct articles I have ever read on success is reprinted here with permission from the author and guest columnist this month, Andrew Neitlich, pictured to the side. A Harvard MBA and long-time consultant to major corporations, Andrew is the author of six books and the Director and co-Founder of the Center for Executive Coaching, https://centerforexecutivecoaching.com which provides internationally accredited executive coach training and certification. 

By |February 8th, 2020|Categories: Leadership|


The season for holiday parties has arrived.   Leaving aside family events and work group activities, entrepreneurs tend to look upon such events as an opportunity for a combination of fun and celebration together with a chance for additional networking that will result in potentially profitable business connections. My own experience and observations are that the better the chance for good networking the more fun the event turns out to be.  None of this happens automatically.

By |November 22nd, 2019|Categories: Leadership|


James Madison, fourth President of the United States and one of the drafters of the Constitution, famously said that no limits on government would be necessary if we were ruled by angels.  Of course, we know better regarding the human capacity for wrong-doing.  Yet when academic advisers to management write about how leaders should exhibit great trust, it is almost as though they think that all employees and co-workers really are angels. One example is

By |June 10th, 2019|Categories: Leadership|


Editor’s Note:  Team Formation, the topic of this article, is the sixth of the Six Engines of Entrepreneurial Ascent®, which are detailed at https://mulkernassociates.net/leadership/six-engines-entrepreneurial-ascent. Everyone in business accepts without question the critical importance of teams and teamwork.  The terms are treated almost with reverence.  Yet much of the time, I respectfully submit, we do not seem to know what we are talking about.  Some examples: President Trump has said repeatedly in speeches that all Americans

By |February 21st, 2019|Categories: Leadership|

Leading Lawyers

Editors note:  The following article co-authored by Tony Mulkern and Cynthia Flynn, Esq., appeared in the February 2019 edition of Los Angeles Lawyer, the magazine of the Los Angeles County Bar Association.  Cindy Flynn is the founder and managing partner of Hackler Flynn & Associates, a boutique law firm in Los Angeles and Irvine that focuses on employment defense.   In the past two decades, various changes in the practice of law have created strains on law

By |February 13th, 2019|Categories: Leadership|


By Tony Mulkern Discussion about accountability is as much a part of executive conversations as goals, objectives, standards, and bottom line.  It is also seems among the most difficult concepts to define or make stick.  Patrick Lencioni, author of the outstanding book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, considers one of the most difficult tasks for members of an executive team is to hold one anther accountable. Of course, he is right.  I have seen

By |February 9th, 2019|Categories: Leadership|


By Tony Mulkern Jeff Bezos, founder, chairman and CEO of Amazon, and the richest person in the world, recently said that he wants his employees to “be afraid” and to “wake up every morning terrified.”  Presumabaly he was exaggerating, because Bezos knows something about what motivates achievement, and terror is usually debilitating.  What he is referring to is the fifth of the Six Engines of Entrepreneurial Ascent®, namely, Sustaining a Sense of Urgency, which is

By |November 17th, 2018|Categories: Leadership|

Do You Inspire Others?

By Tony Mulkern If you like what you read here, contact me to learn about the Leader's Dashboard. It is a great tool that will show you how to inspire others and stay inspired. Contact me at ajmulkern@sbcglobal.net or at 818 249 0147. UNLEASHING INSPIRATION is the fourth engine of entrepreneurial ascent. The term itself suggests that there exists an energy in people that is restrained, held back, and that if the leader can liberate

By |July 12th, 2018|Categories: Leadership|
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