By Tony Mulkern
If you are a business owner and hope to sell or may want to sell your business sometime within the next five years, you need to start preparing now. As explained last month, only 17% of businesses put on the market actually sell:
To help ensure that you are among that 17% when the time comes, Mulkern Associates is pleased to announce the launch of the Exit and Succession Planning Roundtable. The roundtables meet for two hours bi-weekly for 13 weeks to address and work on topics critical to the accomplishment of a successful business sale. Designed in conjunction with the Center for Executive Coaching, a recognized leader in programs for executive effectiveness, a different topic is addressed in each of the bi-weekly meetings. Topics include:
- Dominating with Strategic Edge
- Strengthening your financial model
- Solidifying your operating platform
- Designing your organization for growth
- Engaging your team
- Developing a pipeline of leaders
- Turning revenue and profit growth into a science
- Building a bases of loyal customers
…among many others. The Roundtable has been designed to help business owners produce plans and results on each topic, with the support of the facilitator and fellow participants.
For more information, contact us at 818 249 0147 or send an email inquiry to